Chibi Usa's Bad Day Part 2

Mamoru walked down the street making his way back to the Game Crown. On his little adventure he had stopped off and bought a little bunny stuffed animal for Chibi-Usa. He stared at it lovingly.

He reached the Game Crown and noticed the two foot crack in the door. He went inside and saw Motoki scraping ice off the claw game.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Mamoru asked

"Go figure. I went to the back room and when I came out I found the Game Crown like this." Mamoru looked around, he saw the havoc that was placed upon the popular hangout.

"So....where's Chibi-Usa?"

" Huh?....Oh, I don't know."

"What?! Motoki I asked you to watch her for me!"

"Oh! So that's what you said. Sorry I didn't hear you." Mamoru was turning bright red and Motoki could swear steam was coming out of his ears.

"Mamoru....umm.... I think you are over reacting....just...just a little. She probably went to get a shake at the ice cream parlor." Mamoru calmed down a little, but when he saw Luna-P fly quickly out the door he got worried again, *Luna-P without Chibi-Usa! That's not right, something most be wrong.* he thought. He turned to Andrew who was still trying to scrap the ice off with a plastic knife.

"Motoki you are an idiot!" Mamoru walked briskly out of the Game Crown. Motoki looked up to where Mamoru was just standing.

"What did I do?" Motoki shrugged it off and went back to work which, to him seemed to be to be an impossible task.

* * * *

*This is soooo cool!* Usagi thought. She turned to Luna who was resting on her shoulder and smiled happily. She was fascinated with her new toy which she had just bought. It was a big clear balloon that was bigger than her head and it contained two small balloons, one was blue and one was red. *I wonder how they do that. Someone really must have thought long and hard to think of something like this!*

"Usagi-chan it's not that interesting!" Rei snatched the balloon away from her.

" Speak for yourself Rei!" Usagi promptly grabbed it back. "This is really cool!" Sweat drops appear on Luna's, Artemis's and the Senshi's heads as Usagi beamed in delight. Ami looked up and noticed Mamoru ahead of them. He seemed like he was looking for something. She ran ahead leaving her friends behind arguing about how cool the balloons really were.

"Hello Mamoru-chan. What are you doing? Mamoru looked up, sweat was dripping from his brow. He smiled a suspicious smile. Ami became very worried.

"Hey Ami-chan. Umm.....I.....well I....come here!" He looked around and pulled Ami to a near by alley. "You promise you won't tell the others?" Ami nodded her head in agreement. "Chibi-Usa is missing and I mean gone....really gone!"

"Wha-" A hand went over Ami's mouth.

"SHHH! I think something is really wrong. I saw Luna-P floating somewhere, but no Chibi-Usa. I was with her at the Game Crown and left for 5 minutes, just 5 minutes Ami and then she vanished! The Game Crown is totally trashed too!"

"Mamoru-chan we need to tell the senshi!" He shook his head no, he didn't want to spend a whole day with Usagi looking for Chibi-Usa. "Mamoru-chan!" Ami protested. She thought with all the senshi they could look a lot faster and argued her case, but Mamoru kept his answer as no. They kept arguing until...

"Hey Ames! Where ya been!" Usagi said as she popped from around the corner. A bright expression was on her face, she didn't seem to see Mamoru. Then her smile on her face faded as Mamoru came into view. "Oh hi Mamo-chan, I mean Mamoru-chan." Mamoru lowered his head. He hated the way he always made her fell bad.

"Usagi-chan, Mamoru-chan told me that Chibi-Usa is missing-"

"Ami-chan!!" Mamoru yelled, Ami just ignored him.

"There is a possibility of her being in grave danger." At the sound of the news Usagi became very happy.

"Yes the little spore got herself lost! I finally have my bed back!!!"

" Usagi-chan!" Usagi was pulled out of the alley by Rei.

"Mamoru-chan ignore the air head, of course we will help look." Usagi became very embarrassed but when she heard Rei mention they will help she became starry eyed.

"When we start searching I can go with Mamo-chan and he will fall in love with me again!! I better grab him before Rei does."

"Oh no you don't!"

"Mako-chan let me go!" Makoto and Minako held onto Usagi.

"No! This is not the time to get your love life back on track!" Makoto said through clenched teeth. "Do not make this harder then it already is!" Makoto and Minako started to loose their grips on the forceful blond.

"Do you want me to use my Love-Me Chain on you or are you going to cooperate!" Usagi gave up her struggle realizing that being seen tied on Venus' chain is not the most flattering thing.

Mamoru, Rei, and Ami walked out of the alley.

"What was all the noise about?" Mamoru asked.

"Oh just Usagi being herself." said Minako calmly. Usagi turns to her angrily.

"Well that does explain it." He said smiling. Usagi now faced Mamoru ready to knee him where it hurts when Ami stepped between them.

"Stop! We've decided, Usagi, to split up into three teams. Mamoru-chan is taking the school area, me and Mako-chan are searching the north side of the park and the rest of you have the south side. We'll meet at the Temple in 2 hours."

Without saying a word Mamoru rushes towards the school while the senshi make their way to the park.

"So much for the movie..." Makoto said as she playfully grabbed the balloon from Usagi.

* * * * * *

"Not here. No not her either. Hmm? I wonder where she can be?"

"Well Usagi maybe if you look for Chibi-Usa in other places besides under rocks you just might FIND HER!" Rei screamed at Usagi.

"Well , maybe if I wasn't working on an empty stomach I could try harder! So, I suggest we put the searched on hold and go get some ice cream sundaes!" Proudly Usagi starts to strut over to a ice cream stand that stood near by, when suddenly her head was jerked back. She stops for a second and thinks, *What on earth?!* Curiously she tries to walk forward once more but once again she is stopped by another sudden head jerk.

"These things really come in handy don't you think?!"

"We should use these as restraints more often." Usagi turned around slowly to find Rei and Minako holding her back by having tight grips on her long strands of hair that hung loosely from her odangos.

"Umm, do you mind? I think you have mistakenly grabbed onto my hair!!" Usagi turned bright red totally embarrassed by her friends new found discovery of how to hold her in place.

"Wait a second! Rei-chan can I have that bit of hair you are holding in your hands?" Rei gives Minako her strands of Usagi's hair. "Thank you very much! Now watch this. It's like driving a wagon! Go horsy! Run faster!" Minako begins to whip Usagi's hair up and down like horse reigns. Rei laughs hysterically. Ami and Makoto walk up to them and see's what Minako is doing to Usagi.

"It's like she's riding horse!" Yells Makoto as she laughs loudly, Ami joins in. Sweat drops appear on Luna's and Artemis's heads.

"Can you believe they are destined to guard the universe against pure evil?" Luna said doubtfully. She looks at Usagi who is just about to charge her four friends for making fun of her when she notices Luna-P floating in a near by bush. She quieted her friends down and pointed out her discovery.

Makoto stood on her tip toes trying to look over the bush to see is Chibi-Usa was there, "I don't see any pink hair." She reported to her friends. The senshi creeped up slowly towards the bush trying not to scare Luna-P. They have learned from past events that Luna-P can cause a nasty bump on the head when alarmed.

"Hey you guys?" Usagi asked "Did you ever wonder where a girl can get pink hair and red eyes? I don't think that's possible!"

"SHHH!!!" All four turn around and faced Usagi.

"Can't you be quiet for 5 seconds?!" commented Rei in an angry whisper.

"Sorry, I was just asking." They continued walking towards the bush when Rei stopped the group.

"You guys I sense serious danger........transform now!!!"

"Moon Crystal Power!"

"Mercury Star Power!"

"Mars Star Power!"

"Jupiter Star Power!"

"Venus Star Power!"


"Now what?" asked Venus. Then a split of lighting hit Mars in he foot.

"Shit!" Mars grabbed her foot in pain as she feel to the ground.

Petz floated above them holding an unconscious Chibi-Usa upside down by her feet in her hands.

"I think I have something you want." Petz swung Chibi-Usa side to side.

"Let her go! You can't have her!"

"Well Sailor Moon I already do."

"I don't think so! Sparkling Wide Pressure!!" A rush of energy charged from Jupiter towards Petz. She easily dodges it.

"Burning Mandala!" Petz quickly flees from the path of Mar's fire rings.

"Now it's my turn...Venus Love-Me Chain!" A gold chain flies at Petz and curls around Petz's hand that held Chibi-Usa. Petz's hand releases her grip and Chibi-Usa falls from her grasps.

"Oh no, the rabbit!!" Yells Petz. On the ground the senshi run in one group until they were under Chibi-Usa and could easily catch her.

"Don't worry Sis, I'll get her!" Caraberas flies to a position where she can easily catch Chibi-Usa above the senshi. But she missed calculated and barely caught Chibi-Usa by the tips of her hair. She quickly moves higher into the sky, while the senshi run to be under Caraberas. "That was easy!" shouted Caraberas and showing off she flips Chibi-Usa in the air meaning to catch her again but doesn't and once again she is sent hurdling towards the earth.

The senshi raise their hands and shout, "I got her, I got her!" But this time Beruche comes swooping in and catches Chibi-Usa, but doesn't get a good grip and fumbles her around in her hands like a football. The senshi once again run around trying to keep up with Beruche.

"I hope this sister stays in one place, I am getting tired." commented Sailor Moon as she stopped for a second to catch her breath.

"Finally stay still!" Beruche screamed as she gets control of Chibi-Usa, but she doesn't notice the large oak tree standing in her way. CRASH!!! Beruche goes crashing into the tree dropping Chibi-Usa, and falling to the ground with a loud thud. But before Chibi-Usa hits the ground she falls into the unexpecting Cooan floating in the air next to the tree. Cooan was watching two very handsome men with great bodies jogging in the park wearing tank tops and short running shorts.

"I love male humans. Especially when they are wearing almost nothing!" she giggled to herself when all of a sudden, THUD! "Oh the rabbit, where did you come from?!"

"Hold on to her Cooan!" All her sisters yell to her, even Beruche who already regained consciousness.

"Just let her go!" Screamed Mars and she let a fire blast out of her hands and towards Cooan. The fire was too hot for Cooan and she dropped Chibi-Usa for the last time.

"I GOT HER, I GOT HER, I GOT HER!" The senshi yell as they all run around in different directions trying to catch Chibi-Usa.....BANG!! All five of them rammed into each other and bumped heads. The fall on the ground all clumped together. Chibi-Usa kept falling until she finally landed on Sailor Moon still unconscious.

"OUCH! I think Chibi-Usa needs to stop with the sweets, she's getting kinda heavy." Sailor Moon sat up carefully and held Chibi-Usa in her arms. She noticed she was still not awake. "Ok, anybody that can sleep threw that definitely has something wrong with them."

"Sailor Moon get Chibi-Usa away from here!" shouted Sailor Mercury as she dodged a blast from Cooan.

"Right! C'mon Luna and Artemis follow me." Sailor Moon carried Chibi-Usa behind some thick bushes and sat down on the ground. Luna and Artemis laid down next to her. "Luna, Artemis I want you to go back to the Temple right now.

"Usagi are you crazy? You are in the middle of a battle!" shouted Luna.

"I know that Luna that's why I want you guys to be safe at the Temple, so go back and we will be there as soon as this is taken care of."

"Are you sure Sailor Moon?" asked Artemis "And you can care for Chibi-Usa too?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Now go!" The cats run in the direction of the temple. Sailor Moon watches them run away, *They will be safe there, and besides if Mamo-chan is at the Temple they can tell him what's going on and he can get is rose throwing, cane twirling ass out here and give us a hand!* she thought as she held Chibi-Usa closer to her.

She turns her attention to the battle and watched her friends get attacked by the sister. She becomes worried, but then her fears disappear when the Senshi do a strong counter attack towards the sister with just as much vengeance.

"C'mon guys, we gotta win." She wants so badly to be out there helping her friends but she has to stay and guard Chibi-Usa, *Just my luck*.

Without Sailor Moon noticing Petz sneaks up behind her, *Now I got you!* she thinks. She holds up a small tape recorder and presses play. A sweet melody comes out of the small speaker and the sound engulfs in Sailor Moon's ear.

"Oh the Ice Cream Man!" Sailor Moon yells as she slightly loosens her grip on Chibi-Usa. "I could really go for a chocolate chocolate chip double scoop! Or maybe even a fudge cookie! How 'bout both!!" Petz was just about to lean forward and nab Chibi-Usa when a bright red rose comes flying through the air cutting Petz's upper arm.

Tuxedo Kamen was standing in a tree over looking Sailor Moon and Petz.

" A little child is not something you just take-"

"Cut the crappy speech and get down here cape boy!" yells Sailor Moon. Tuxedo Kamen, a little pissed off swoops down and snatches Chibi-Usa and disappears behind a hedge a few meters away from Sailor Moon. Petz shoots up in the air holding her blood soaked arm.

Sailor Moon makes her way over to where Tux had taken Chibi-Usa. She dodges a few slashes from Caraberas's whip and jumps over the hedge and lands next to Tuxedo Kamen who still held Chibi-Usa.

"Sailor Moon?" He asked sounding upset. She looks at his face and sees he is very discouraged and worried.

"What is it Tuxedo Kamen? Is something wrong with Chibi-Usa? Did something happen to the senshi?"

"No, I was just wondering....... why does everyone call me cape boy?"

"What?! Just shut-up and get out there! The senshi need you!" she said feeling very disappointed from his question.

"Can you watch Chibi-Usa by yourself?" he asked worried. Sailor Moon put on a big smile,

"Of course silly! The little spore is unconscious, piece of cake!" He looks at her doubtfully. "Would you just go!"

"Ok, but......"

"GO CAPE BOY!" A little hurt from her comment he stands up and runs out from the hedge throwing flowers. *God he is so sexy!* she thinks as she turns her attention to Chibi-Usa. "Chibi-Usa please stay asleep. I don't know what to do with you if you wake-up!" She pleads to Chibi-Usa as she lays her down on the ground beside her. She turned her attention back to the battle. Every inch of her wanted to go out and fight with her friends and protect them from any harm, but of course Chibi-Usa needed someone to look after her. "This is all your fault Chibi-Usa, you know!?" She didn't expect an answer from the unconscious brat but was surprised when she heard a very, very annoying voice....

"Shut up Usagi-chan!!" Sailor Moon turns around and sees Chibi-Usa fully awake and she had the sudden urge to hug her, and she did.

"Chibi-Usa you're awake! Are you ok? Anything hurt?" She asked concerned.

"No, I'm ok." Chibi-Usa answered relieved to find that Usagi was worried about her. It made her happy to know Usagi cared for her.

"I'm glad you are alright. Now tell me what did you do to get yourself captured?!" Chibi-Usa was shocked to hear Usagi's voice go from a happy tone to a very strict one. It was even worse because she was in the form of Sailor Moon. "You need to be more careful Chibi-Usa!!! The senshi and I always come to your rescue! If you haven't noticed almost everyday something bad happens to you and frankly Chibi-Usa I'm getting tired of running to your rescue every time! Next time try not to act like a stupid, immature girl and don't get into trouble!" Sailor Moon turns quickly to watch her friends and leaves Chibi-Usa sitting next to her.

*She doesn't care what happens to me. She wouldn't notice if I was captured by someone even if it happened in front of her own eyes. In fact she probably wants me to be taken away and never come back!* With that as the thought in her mind Chibi-Usa ran away, not looking back.

"Get 'em guys." Moon said quietly to herself. She noticed Chibi-Usa was being very quiet. Maybe she was a little too hard on her, *Even though the spore did diserve everything she got coming, I shouldn't stay mad at her forever.* She thought. "Hey Chibi-Usa, are you ok?" She Slowly turned around and Chibi-Usa wasn't there. "Omigod! Chibi-Usa?! Oh no not again!!" She screamed out loud.

Caraberas was enjoying cracking her whip at the senshi and watching them scream out in pain. "This is fun." She said as she let her whip go again. Then she heard a small scream coming from the large hedge on her left. She flew higher into the sky until she was able to see over the hedge. Sailor Moon was standing up and screaming at the ground. "Perfect." Caraberas smiles slightly as she swoops down towards Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon turns around just in time to see Caraberas charge her and grab her by the neck chocking her. Caraberas flies once more into the air still chocking Sailor Moon. "Now tell me Sailor Moon, where's the rabbit?!"

"What? Whose the rabbit?" Moon was barely able speak with the tight grip Caraberas had on her neck. "I don't understand......" Sailor Moon started to feel light headed. She could hardly see Caraberas in front of her, her eyes started to go blurry and her breaths became small, it was getting harder to breathe.

Tuxedo Kamen was unsuccessfully throwing roses at Petz, who was enjoying his effort. He suddenly felt a great deal of pain in his chest.

"Usako......" He turned around to find Caraberas holding her by the neck. Her limbs were dangling in the air. "NO!" His scream of pure terror caught the attention of the senshi who soon noticed Sailor Moon.

"Let her go bitch!" shouted Sailor Jupiter.

"Sorry senshi, she's already dead."

"You lie!" escaped Mars's lips. She couldn't believe it, it was not possible. Mercury hit her earring and her computer visors appeared around her eyes. She dropped at the floor has she read her computer screen. Tears came running down her cheeks.

"Omigod! Sailor Moon....she's......she's.......my computer shows no life readings." All the senshi and Tuxedo Kamen fall to the ground, tears fled from their eyes. Tux's pain in his chest grew and he realized his heart was breaking. Venus fainted from the shock while Mars stared into space, her eyes blank. None of them even thought of continuing the battle. It was over; she was dead and they failed to protect her. Jupiter was the only one who wouldn't take dead for an answer. Energy began to charge in her hands as she rose to her feet. She turns to Caraberas who still held Sailor Moon in the air. She let the energy loose at Caraberas. The shock was absorbed by both Caraberas and Sailor Moon and they glowed with electricity. When the charged ceased, both their lifeless bodies fell to the ground. The sisters flew down to their injured sister and swept Caraberas up.

"Are you ok Sis?" Asked Cooan.

"Ye...yes. Please let's get out of here. The rabbit is still out there." Caraberas lifted her head up and her strength came back to her. "Shall we go." The sisters vanish, leaving the grieving Senshi and Tuxedo Kamen who held Sailor Moon in his arms.

"Is it possible?" asked Mars. She turned to Mercury who was working on her computer. Her eyes soon went bright and opened wide with joy.

"She has a heart beat! Jupiter's attack shocked her heart! I've got a rhythm!!" Sailor Moon's chest started to rise up and down and her head steered slightly.

"Usagi-chan!" Yelled the Senshi. Sailor Moon's eyes opened and saw everyone staring at her.

"Minna? What.....what are you staring at?" She shot up from Tuxedo's arms and put her hand to her head. "What happened?!"

"Usagi-chan you died! You're heart stopped beating. Jupiter shocked you back to life!!" Mars hugged her friend followed by Venus, Jupiter and Mercury.

" I love you guys too, but.......where's Chibi-Usa?" She asked almost ashamed. She already knew the answer.

"What do you mean, 'where's' Chibi-Usa? What happened?!" Tuxedo yelled as he shot up from the ground. Everyone released their hold of Sailor Moon.

" She ran off! I was talking to her one minute and the next she was gone." Moon explained.

"What exactly did you talk about?" Asked Venus.

"Well I sort of.....well I yelled at her."

"Oh Usagi-chan." commented Mars. "What did you tell her?"

"I said that the senshi were tired of saving her life, and well I...kind of...didn't want to....come to her rescue anymore." Usagi closed her eyes waiting for the yelling and screaming, but it never came.

"Usagi, next time be more careful at what you say." Mercury stood in front of her with a gentle hand on her shoulder. "And don't worry we'll find her."

"Yea, Usagi don't worry." Jupiter came up and stood beside her friend.

"You are being too nice." Sailor Moon said with a smile.

"Yea well, they shouldn't be." Five heads spin rapidly to Tuxedo Kamen who stared off towards the lake. "You had no right to yell at her. I don't know why you were so stupid." He started to run in the direction he was staring.

"Where are you going?!" Shouted Sailor Moon.

"To find Chibi-Usa!!" He yelled not looking back.

"C'mon, let's go help." Mars was the first to run after him. The rest of the Senshi soon followed close behind.

* * * * Chibi-Usa sat on the pier that she first appeared on and dangled her feet over.

"I wonder if all the senshi think the same way Usagi-chan does? And what about Mamo-chan!?!"

"Don't worry Rabbit, I'm sure they do!" A voice came from behind her. The sisters stood on the pier smiling at Chibi-Usa. Chibi-Usa stood up and started to run off the pier. She notices Tuxedo Kamen running towards her.

"Tuxedo Kamen save me!!!" Chibi-Usa screams as she jumps into his arms.

"I don't think so!" Tux turned to run away when Beruche shot ice out from her fingers. It engulfed Tuxedo Kamen freezing him with Chibi-Usa on his arms. "Heh heh! Rubeus will be so pleased with me!" She walks over to the frozen forms. She taps her finger tip on the top of Chibi-Usa's head and the ice just around Chibi-Usa shatters exposing the little girl.

Cooan and Petz walk up behind her. "She's unconscious! That's good!" Cooan pointed out.

"Yes she is, but it won't last long." Stated Beruche as she picked up Chibi-Usa from Tux's hold. They start walking away not noticing Tux's free arm. "Well can we pleeeeeeaaaaase go back now?!"

"Stop whining Cooan. You were always the whiner of the family." Petz starts to walk away laughing quietly at her own joke.

"Well Petz, if I'm the whiner then you must be the bitch!" Cooan yelled back to her.

"HA HA HA! Good one Cooan! Whoa!" Beruche laughs loudly.

"Shut-up Beruche! You and Cooan were always exactly alike. And they always say, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, then it must be A DUCK!" Petz felt very proud at herself for making such a clever come back.

"You know what Petz?" Beruche became very upset from Petz's word.

"What? Gonna hurt me now? I'm sooo scared!" Petz pretends to be scared and turns away from her two sisters.

"Cooan hold the rabbit." Beruche shoved Chibi-Usa into Cooan's hands. She began to run and she jumps onto Petz's back. "Stop it! Beruche what are you doing!" Beruche was pulling Petz's hair with one hand and punching her in the side with other. Petz was trying with all her might to pull her vivacious sister off of her.

Caraberas walks up to Cooan who is watching the fight. "Cooan shouldn't we stop them?"

"Caraberas!" We need some entertainment too!" But sadly for them Rubeus appeared in the sky.

"Stop fighting!" Petz and Beruche stop immediately. All four sisters stood up straight, all embarrassed of how they acted in front of Rubeus. "You are making fools out of yourselves. I see you have the rabbit so why don't you bring her BACK TO THE SHIP!!"

"Yes Rubeus." They all said while Rubeus disappears.

Unbeknownst to the sisters, Tuxedo Kamen worked the ice off of him. He sees the sisters standing in a row with their back towards him. He can see that one of the sisters was holding Chibi-Usa. Then they start to vanish. He reacts quickly and throws a rose at them, but the rose hit nothing and passed right through the sisters and they disappear into the air.

"Damnit!" Chibi-Usa!" He screamed. The the senshi suddenly appear on he pier out of breathe.

"Wh-what happen?" asked Sailor Mercury. "Tuxedo Kamen?" Tuxedo Kamen had his head down and stood very still.

"They have her. They just...just vanished. I tried I really did!" He looks towards the senshi, his mask had fallen off and they could see the pain in his eyes.

"We know you did Mamoru-chan." Mars walks over to him and places her hand on his shoulder.

Sailor Moon walks down the pier in deep thought. *Chibi-Usa where did they take you?" She lowers her head and looks at the ground. She notices Tux's rose on he ground next to her. It was shinning and seemed to be covered with gilter. "Awww......" Sailor Moon thought it looked beautiful and bent down to pick it up. She loved the way it glistens in the sunlight, but soon realized that roses don't just look like this, something had to happen to it.

"Tuxedo Kamen?" she asked in a gentle voice. Tux turned towards Sailor Moon along with the senshi.

"What?!" He said kind of irritated. Sailor Moon bowed her head, now ashamed of what she was going to say.

"Nothing. Forget it." She replied sadly. She turns away from the group. Mars looks at Tux and punches him in the arm.

"Mars what was that for!?" He grabbed his arm as he shouted to Mars.

"Idiot." Mars said. "Usagi-chan what is it?"

"Well, I was just wondering what happened to Tuxedo Kamen's rose?"

"What do you mean?" Tux asked as he walked over to Sailor Moon.

"Well it's glitery. See?" She holds the rose up to Tux's face. He see's what Sailor Moon was talking about. Mercury walks over to them and takes the rose from Sailor Moon.

"Tuxedo Kamen, what _did_ happen?" she asked.

"Well," He began. "Right before the sisters vanished I threw the rose at them and it went right through them, didn't penetrate anything. It was like it went through nothing but air.

"Umm?" Mercury scratches her chin thinking. "What are you think Mercury?" asked Jupiter as her, Mars and Venus walked towards them.

"It is possible that Tuxedo Kamen threw the rose while the sisters were teleporting." Mercury holds the rose up so everyone can see it. "If we analyze the fragments in the rose we might find the coordinates and-"

"And use Sailor Tele-port to go where ever the sisters went!" Finished Mars.

"Exactly!" said Mercury with a smile. Mars threw her arm in the air and shouted,

"Let's head back to the temple!!"

* * * *

On the spaceship high above Tokyo, Rubeus awaited the sisters return.

"We're back!!" Shouted Cooan as she stepped through her mirror, followed by her sisters. "And look what we have!" She handed Chibi-Usa out to Rubeus.

"Perfect." He whispered. He took the little girl from Cooan. He started to search her rapidly looking for something. "Good work sisters." The sisters blushed. Getting a complement from Rubeus was very rare.

"Um, what are you looking for Rubeus?" Asked Beruche.

" I'm looking for the Ginzuishou. It has to be on her. Where is it?!?!" Rubeus became furious and threw Chibi-Usa at Petz. "It isn't on her! Where is it sisters?! Part of your mission was to retrieve the rabbit and the Ginzuishou!!" The sisters slowly backed off, away from Rubeus.

"Well I guess she.......she....she must have......"

"Yes Caraberas? Continue! She must have......" Rubeus grabbed a hold of Caraberas shoulders and was shaking her slightly trying to get an answer out of her.

"Well, she must have.....given it to.....Sailor Moon!" Rubeus releases his grip on Caraberas, who grabs on to her shoulders in pain.

"Yes Rubeus, Sailor Moon was last person to be with the rabbit. She might have passed it to her." said Cooan.

"Well then go get Sailor Moon and GET ME THE GINZUISHOU!!" Rubeus screamed at the sisters, his eyes were almost popping out of his sockets. The sister turn quickly and disappear into their mirrors.

"Just you wait Sailor Moon, you will get what's coming...." He laughs to himself quietly as he stares at a projection of Sailor Moon. "She will never know what hit her."

Part Three